In collaboration with the City of Bayswater, John Forrest Secondary College hosted a tree planting event on Friday 29 July 2016.

The City of Bayswater provided free of charge 30 mature and 2000 small root stock trees that are indigenous to the area. These trees were specifically selected to supply an ongoing and protected food source for the Carnaby Black Cockatoos.

Endangered species

Carnaby Black Cockatoos have been designated as Endangered by the Commonwealth and Specially Protected Fauna by the State and the creation of this food supply is a component of the Department of Parks and Wildlife ten year Recovery Plan for these birds.

Thanks go to Julie Kyne, John Forrest Secondary College, under whose initiative this project was created and developed.

Present at the event were:

  • Cr Barry McKenna, The Mayor, City of Bayswater
  • Lisa Baker, MLA, Member for Maylands
  • Jeremy Maher, Environment Program Manager, City of Bayswater
  • Ms Melissa Gillett, Principal
  • Ms Julie Kyne, Student Support Officer
  • Mr Alistair Cummings, Teacher/Bush Ranger Coordinator
  • Jasmyn Hesford, Head Girl
  • Mackenzie Edmonds, Head Boy

Bush Ranger Cadets

Read more about this project in the Easter Reporter
